No I haven’t been dressing up as the Easter bunny but as you know, I have been without a phone for a few days after I inadvertently dropped it down the loo at the cinema. Amazingly, after being left to dry for a few days, it came back to life – pretty amazing! So here’s a round up of the last few days and what I’ve been wearing.
Tuesday: the sun appeared briefly and friends came for lunch so I thought I’d dress for Spring:
- Marmont Zip Back Jumper – £25 (reduced from £42) Warehouse
- Skinny ankle skimmer jeans £49 – Boden
- Navy suede pointed ballet flats £28 – Johnnie B
Wednesday was what I call a ‘half woman half biscuit’ day when I had to pop out to a client meeting and leave the boys to their own devices.
I was in too much of a rush to get anyone to shoot it with a jacket but I wore my navy Whistles Lena Blazer on top. The thing I love about the Audrey dresses is that you don’t need to think – no need for scarves or necklaces, the neckline does it all.
- Audrey ponte dress £89 Boden
- My new, absolute favourite shoes, Sixties heels £99 Boden
On Thursday I took the 2 smaller boys down to the beach with some friends so they could scoot and skateboard along the prom. Of course as soon as we got there the sun went in so instead of trying to keep up with them I watched them from the shelter of a cafe (I think the heels I was wearing and the fact that my Kindle just ‘happened’ to be in my bag might imply that this was my plan all along!). I’m still not as comfortable in boyfriend jeans as I am in relaxed skinnies – I’m not convinced that they score on the chicometer and I need to wear them with heels to feel ok.
- Fitted breton-style long sleeved t-shirt – Sainsburys (bought a few months ago for about £8)
- Boyfriend jeans – ASOS Brady – out of stock
- Quilted bomber jacket – Warehouse – £15 in sale but only size 10 left
- Necklace – Accessorize – £12
And now finally, today, I’ve delved deep for some old clothes because after a quick trip to the school shop for a new blazer for the middle son, I really should do some gardening. Whether or not I will remains to be seen – I don’t like gardening – but the problem is that the new glass extension that we spent last year building looks onto… the garden… and the view isn’t good! Here’s today’s outfit in a corner that isn’t too weedy to give you an idea (Gary the dog, with his delusions of supermodelling, is yet again photobombing the shot):
The great thing about this (very) old Boden jumper is that the stripes change as it reaches the bottom which avoids that ‘widening’ effect over the hips.
- Jumper – Boden (old)
- Jeans – Next Relaxed Skinny £26
- Silver Ballet Pumps – Boden (old)
- Bangles – Accessorise (old)
- Rose Necklace – Schoolgate Style (out of stock)
- Lena Blazer – Whistles £95
Even if you don’t write a blog, I can’t tell you how useful it is to get someone to take photos of your outfits if you’re in a style transition. You see yourself so much more objectively than you do in the mirror. Looking at these pictures I still love my relaxed skinny jeans – halfway between a skinny and a boyfriend. I’ve just had them delivered in white but was maddened to discover they’re ‘distressed’ which, as I’ve said before, just doesn’t do it for me. I think they look great on other people but they just make me feel too scruffy. Each to their own on that one I think. How are you getting on with the transition from boyfriends to skinny – distressed and non-distressed? Let me know what you think and happy weekend.