Making midlife outfits stand out

By |2024-11-15T16:59:40+00:00November 15th, 2024|Categories: Christmas, Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Tuesday's intro post about getting your wardrobe ready for December's festivities was a long one but I hope you've managed to read it because this year Christmas comes in from the cold years of the Covid pandemic and there's a lot to talk about. Today I'm going to be referring back to the four pillars of festive dressing that I highlighted and bringing the theory to life. Feedback from the reader get together was that you're enjoying the posts where [...]

How to make outfits interesting

By |2024-10-25T17:06:12+01:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

By popular request it's another style tips post today - you see one of the conversations that crops up regularly during the colder months is about how to make outfits interesting. That's because so often our AW wardrobes consist of darker colours that initially feel refreshing after summer's brights but then quickly become monotonous. Of course your individual look has a lot to do with the way you wear things but years of studying market research has shown me that [...]

Heading towards summer – Boden try-on

By |2024-05-03T17:08:39+01:00May 3rd, 2024|Categories: Retail Review, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

I'm busy playing catch-up and so my Boden edit for April is running a little bit late but at least it's now warmer than when we took these photographs last weekend. We were in Newcastle with a bitter east wind blowing and I've assimilated to Geordie life pretty well but not their capacity for short sleeves and sandals in sub zero temperatures so some of the outfits had to be kept inside! It's a great feeling knowing we've finally made [...]

New styles for spring from John Lewis

By |2024-04-05T16:49:17+01:00April 5th, 2024|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Now that our minds are focused firmly towards better weather I'm bringing you another new season try-on today, this time focusing on new styles for spring from John Lewis. So let's have a catch-up on what's been going on there since I last covered them in October. As you probably know it's all change at the top with the return of Peter Ruis as executive director. He first joined the store in 2005 and was responsible for the huge fashion [...]

Finding the best bra for your breast shape

By |2024-02-23T16:42:47+00:00February 23rd, 2024|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

With it being Midlifechic's 10th birthday a couple of weeks ago, I thought I'd delve into the stats to see what my most popular post has been and ever since I wrote it over five years ago, it's been the one about finding the best bra for your breast shape. Of course it's all a bit out of date now so I thought it was time for a refresh - after all there's no point in moving on to new [...]

Easy ways to build a colourful winter wardrobe

By |2022-10-07T17:14:16+01:00October 7th, 2022|Categories: Accessories, Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Today we're continuing with AW22 and I'm bringing you more ideas for making your wardrobe work hard. I think for all of us it's a season for being realistic; very few people are going to be buying into the 'everything new' mentality - instead it's a time to be savvy. So when it comes to new season, it doesn't feel right for me to just bring you a whole load of 'what's new' posts. Rather [...]

The best jeans cuts for midlifers – SS22 denim try-on

By |2022-02-18T16:10:50+00:00February 18th, 2022|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Well as you may have guessed from the picture above, I have something a little different for you today - Mr MC is making his modelling debut on Midlifechic... for one post only. When John Lewis & Partners wondered out loud if we might do a his and hers jeans try-on I wasn't sure how he'd react but he was thrilled by the thought of being at the other side of the lens for a change. His only stipulation was [...]

How to make necklines work for your body

By |2022-02-11T16:57:45+00:00February 11th, 2022|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Thank you for all of your lovely blog birthday wishes last week. I'm writing this in a bit of a time-warp on Tuesday night because we've decided to act on our empty-nesters' ability to be spontaneous and head off for a few days to celebrate our wedding anniversary. We're not going very far at all, certainly not to the exotic climes that we should have been enjoying right now but we've realised that with a new project looming this might [...]

How to make winter outfits look pulled together

By |2022-02-04T16:27:58+00:00February 4th, 2022|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

I'm going to talk about how to make winter outfits look pulled together today but first I just want to say how nice it is when a post falls on Midlifechic's actual birthday - my blog is 8 years old today. This is post number 655 and what a journey it's been. As always I've been flicking through my early pictures and my first thought is how tired I look but then I think about how busy life was with [...]

How to know which clothes suit you, spring 2020

By |2020-10-05T17:31:34+01:00February 14th, 2020|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , |

I think this is the hardest time of the year for finding pleasure in your clothes. Between now and early April I feel utterly uninspired by my seemingly endless rotation of jumpers and boots so today I thought we'd start to look ahead to spring. I'm not going to talk about new styles or colours yet because the new season's collections haven't arrived yet. I warn you though that there isn't much to say this year. As you know, retailers [...]

Winter coat capsule 2019 – what do you really need?

By |2019-10-08T16:43:57+01:00October 8th, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Today's post has been inspired by a personal coat conundrum. As the weather has turned blustery so suddenly in the UK, I've found myself reaching for a coat far earlier than I did last year when I barely needed one until January. Looking at the coat rail in my dressing room, it was hard to see what I have because there are too many and being in a decluttering frame of mind, I decided that rather than needing a new [...]

5 easy ways to update your wardrobe – SS19

By |2019-03-05T17:29:46+00:00March 5th, 2019|Categories: Accessories, Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

At last we're heading into my favourite time of year - Spring - and it's time to look at what's going on in the dizzy world of fashion. But actually I'm not going to do a full blown analysis of the trends for SS19. Why? Because for the first time in 26 years of absorbing trends and then trying to reiterate them in a way that's accessible, I've thrown my hands in the air. It isn't that I can't do [...]

How to find the right bra for your breast shape

By |2024-02-27T16:01:56+00:00February 12th, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

  Please note this 2019 post has been so popular that I published an updated version in 2024 with current product recommendations - you can find it here.    Hello, I'm back - I'll tell you all about our break on Friday when I've hopefully found time to go through the photos (although you can see a little glimpse above). In the meantime I've been wanting to write about how to find the right bra for your breast shape for [...]

How to build a capsule wardrobe over 40 – the summary

By |2019-01-29T17:39:00+00:00January 29th, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

We've come to the end of the 'how to build a capsule wardrobe series' and it's taken us nicely through January - didn't that go quickly?! So today I want to wrap everything up by making sure that you have your plan in one place and are ready to build a wardrobe that works for you. I've created one last download and added it to the full collection so that you can summarise all of the work you've done on one [...]

How to create a capsule wardrobe #5 – body shape and silhouette

By |2020-02-13T12:58:08+00:00January 25th, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

We're coming towards the end of the series on how to create a capsule wardrobe. A few bloggers who cover similar themes have asked why I haven't charged for it or at least collected email addresses in return for the downloads so I thought I'd explain for others who are wondering. I'm very flattered that you think it's worth charging for but there are two reasons why I haven't. Firstly, it's been a way of giving something back to [...]

How to plan a capsule wardrobe – women over 40 #4

By |2019-03-27T11:20:56+00:00January 22nd, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

And here we go with part four of the 'How to plan a capsule wardrobe - women over 40' series - I hope you're enjoying it. It's a short one today because I'm writing it in my London hotel room after a busy day. I've had seven meetings so my head's spinning a bit! This post is another exercise and it involves aspirational thinking. It's time to find your style icon - your dream look. It's something I did when [...]

Building a capsule wardrobe # 3 – colour and texture

By |2019-01-18T17:04:49+00:00January 18th, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

Well I'm hoping you're up to date with your capsule wardrobe building tasks because the next stage involves thinking about colour and cloth - both intrinsic elements of personal style. Let's start with colour, I'm going to recap quickly on how to decide which colours suit you because quite a few new readers have joined us. Then we'll move on to developing a colour palette that works for you. When you've identified this, it will give you the ability to [...]

How to build a capsule wardrobe – ageless style #2

By |2019-01-15T16:56:55+00:00January 15th, 2019|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , |

I'm so pleased by how well Part One of my 'how to build a capsule wardrobe - ageless style' series went down. As I said on the Midlifechic Facebook page, I felt quite nervous on Friday - it was like handing in an important assignment. So today I'm bringing you Part Two. I know some of you are itching to get down to outfit specifics but my experience of running courses for busy people has taught me to do it [...]

How to build a capsule wardrobe – women over 40 #1

By |2021-01-08T15:23:42+00:00January 11th, 2019|Categories: Project Happier, Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , |

...and let me start by apologising for the 'women over 40' extension on the title there. I know that a sizeable chunk of you aren't over 40 and this process has nothing to do with age, it just helps it to stand out amidst the millions of 'how to build a capsule wardrobe' posts on the internet. So, let's get started with the first part of the series that I put together over the Christmas holidays when I was working [...]

Colour trends Autumn – Winter 18 and how to work them

By |2018-09-11T17:13:57+01:00September 11th, 2018|Categories: Style, Style Seminars|

Ok, so in the second of my new season direction posts, I want to talk about colour trends Autumn - Winter 18. There's a temptation at this time of year to leave bright colours behind with summer and slide into a wardrobe of neutrals - blacks, greys and navys. I think it's partly because we often subconsciously associate September with the start of school term and so there's that whole uniform reference in our minds but also because it's just [...]

Key wearable trends autumn winter 2018

By |2018-09-07T16:36:42+01:00September 7th, 2018|Categories: Shoes, Style, Style Seminars|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Ok, here we go, the one some of you have said you've been waiting for - it's the key wearable trends autumn winter 2018 post. I hope you're not bored of trends already because I know everyone's been covering it. However as always, I'm coming at it from the angle of someone who's spent their retail career trying to correlate the flights of fancy of the buying teams with the sales targets of the commercial teams and the wearability demands of [...]

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