Travel in midlife and onwards – getting the most from it
As promised this is my second rather reflective post on the theme of what 2024 taught me. Today though I'm also looking at lessons from the travel experiment that we've been playing around with over the last few years so that I can write this 'travel in midlife and onwards post' properly. Somebody told me this weekend that I think too much, that I should just get on and live life forwards - and even though it was said in [...]
Reflecting on 2024’s midlife lessons
This post is late this year I know - it's a whole new month tomorrow. Before I start though I just want to thank you for all of the fabulous book recommendations last week - my Kindle floweth over - and for the enthusiastic response to the survey. As I explained last week I've approached January quite differently this year, I haven't felt my usual need to get everything pinned down. Something's afoot and I suspect I might finally be [...]
January catch-up – books, films, TV and fresh air
As it's still January there's nothing interesting in the shops and payday hasn't come around yet so it's another chat post today - how's your month going? I hope you've managed to swerve this week's Blue Monday mood. I know a lot of people get themselves into a pickle about it being a manufactured event but I do think there's something to it. I've noticed that a lot of the chats I've had on the canal when I've been [...]
End of sale investments that I personally recommend
I'll start with a thank you to everyone who got in touch last week to tell me my site was misbehaving. Midlifechic was having a bit of a midlife meltdown - clearly letting me know that it didn't appreciate being untouched for almost three weeks over Christmas. It seems to be a problem that's only affected PCs and Androids which as a 100% Apple household we were completely unaware of. I've had people working on the back-end this week so [...]
Ways to make the most of 2025
Ways to make the most of 2025 Well hello, how are you feeling as we find ourselves in a bright, crisp new year? And crisp it certainly is - our views out to the snowy Lake District hills are so stunning at the moment that they don't look real. Anyway back to the feeling of a new year. I've caught up with a lot of my favourite people over the last month or so and in my circle the [...]
About Me
Hi, I’m Nikki Garnett, for 9 years I was the editor of Selfridges’ magazine. Now I’m married with 3 sons, 2 cats and a dog called Ted. I live near the Lake District in the North West of England and run a small creative agency with my husband.
I created Midlifechic because a little while ago, amidst all the chaos of family and working life, I was beginning to feel like I’d lost my groove. So this is for anyone else out there who is emerging from the child centred years and looking forward to beginning a whole new chapter.
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The thinking women's style blog
Christmassy midlife lately & what I’ve been wearing
Today is the day I've been looking forward to when the worst of my workload is [...]
Winter brightness – clothes for the cusp of the year
And here we are, arriving at the very last try-on post of the year. It makes sense, [...]
Christmas finishing touches – a few ideas
I wonder if you're feeling like me this week, that Christmas is a bit of a white [...]
Black Friday 2024 – best offers compendium
Hello and happy Friday. I think this is when most of us try to complete our Christmas [...]
Smaller gifts and stocking fillers 2024
This is the last of my gift ideas posts. I woke up on Saturday feeling really stressed [...]
Travel gifts – the promise of good times ahead
Over the last few years I've found that some of the gifts I enjoy receiving most [...]