Midlife chic Friday
When I left you, I was off to Manchester for another 100 mile midlife chic haircut. It wasn’t quite as drastic this time (and the roots still need doing – I have to leave something for my faithful local hairdresser). I had a lovely day mooching around the shops although there wasn’t really anything that I hadn’t seen the week before in London. I did have an interesting time trying lots of things on though, learning more about what does (or more often doesn’t) suit my shape – mutton dressed as dog in many ‘on trend’ items sadly. After trying about 15 in different shops I acquired a maxi dress from Gap and some espadrilles (they had a flash 30% sale which put me in holiday mood). The pics on the Gap site are really awful so I’ll try them on and show you another day.
Well it’s just typical of the far North West – whilst about 95% of the country has been basking in sunshine it’s been cold up here until…today…when we all have to go back to work!! Actually I feel sorry for us but more sorry for the first influx of tourists that arrived in the village this weekend. We have a rather spectacular campsite here and they came in their droves on Friday. Of course the ones who arrive on the first weekend of May are generally the novice campers who come with their brand new tents and spend 3 hours trying to put them up then, full of hope, raid the bakery and the butchers for their barbecues before spending most of the weekend huddled in the pubs away from the sea wind that whips in from the Irish sea.
Midlife chic Saturday
Anyway, I digress, here’s an update of things I’ve been doing (and wearing) other than chuckling at the poor old campers. As you know, on Saturday Mr MC was fighting in the national karate championships which was very exciting (for him anyway). He did quite well and managed to be the last of Team Windermere to be knocked out (not literally). Given that he left at 5am and didn’t return till after midnight, I’m really glad that the boys and I decided to support him from afar, spending the day catching up with friends. In fact I switched off to such an extent that I forgot to take OOTD pics – sorry.
Midlife chic Sunday
Now it can be truly grim up North in the Winter when everyone shuts their doors and hunkers down, but at this time of year it comes into its own. Every village has a festival of some kind to keep us entertained. On Sunday it was the carnival on the coast – a typical seaside affair with brass bands and sea scouts; May King and Queen and this year even drag queens and semi-naked men – I suspect Blackpool has it’s eyes on coastal domination but I think they’ll get short shrift with the farming types round here. Actually it would have been great if it had just been a tad warmer as I think you can tell from the pic:
- Mac: Boden (old)
- Jeans: Next Relaxed Skinnies
- Boots; Boden (A/W 13-14)
- Handbag: Autograph at M&S (A/W 13-14)
- White shirt: M& S (old)
Once the parade had gone, we scuttled into a cafe to shelter – but no ice-creams this week you’ll be pleased to hear.
- Cashmere jumper: Boden
- White shirt: M&S
- Pearl necklace: Majorica (bought in Majorca)
Yes – while the news was showing people in Brighton in bikinis we were in cashmere – makes me mad!
In desperation we resorted to slipping into the cinema to see Spiderman 2 and when we got back, discovered that the eldest had cancelled his shift at a local restaurant so that he could spend more time revising (yes that is what he told us) which meant we could go out for an impromptu date. So, with 10 minutes to change and no time to sort out windswept hair, this was the look!
- Blouse: Zara
- Black coated jeggings: M&S (A/W 13-14)
- Sixties slingbacks: Boden (A/W 13- 14 and I see they’re back for next winter in the preview)
- Razor shell necklace: bought in a little shop in Pembrokeshire
(FYI – I ended up getting a small in the Zara blouse because I find the baggier look just doesn’t work for my body. It looks great on other bloggers so I must be a strange shape)
And with jacket:
Jacket: Hobbs (S/S 2013)
Midlife chic Monday
On Monday it was the scarecrow festival in a nearby village. The idea is that every family creates a scarecrow on a given theme – this year it was heroes and villains. They then display them outside their houses for people to see – I know it doesn’t sound very exciting but some of them are really good and quite political so they make you think – honestly! There’s also fell racing, a fair on the green and tea tents laden with cakes made by little old ladies – a very nice way to spend a morning in my book! Here’s our favourite scarecrow (on the left I should say, although the one on the right isn’t bad either):
- Breton: Johnnie B
- Cardigan: Gap (out of stock)
- Jeans: Next
- Pumps: Boden (old)
- Necklace: Schoolgate Style (out of stock)
And this is where we should have left the smallest because he then went on to get a piece of pork crackling stuck in his throat which resulted in much panicking (his), St John’s ambulance assistance and a grumpy trip home (his brother because they missed buying candy floss and going on the rides).
And finally, because rugby season is never truly over in our house, here are Mr MC and the boys doing the ‘bring sally up challenge‘ a YouTube craze which involves them doing a choreographed routine of press-ups and planks for 3 minutes 20 seconds every day for the next 30 days. Oh the joys of living in a testosterone filled house where even the dog’s a boy! Maybe you understand why I need to dedicate myself to ‘chic!’
In this vain I’ve decided that this week is going to be a more dressed-up week. I’m wearing jeans too often so I’ll be hunting through my dressing room for something a little more glam – let’s just hope that the weather is kind or it will be a quandary of my own making. Thank you for the lovely comments and tweets from both new and regular readers last week, please keep in touch to let me know you’re still there and haven’t drifted away.