I have been overwhelmed by your enthusiastic and very thought provoking responses to my Midlife in the twenty-tens post. It seems as though I have hit upon something that we all want to discuss in more depth. As you know, the last post focused on the cognitive side of midlife, our changing mindset. As promised, I am now moving on to the chronological aspect or rather the physical symptoms of midlife that most people say they are experiencing.
One approach would be for me to collate the information that is available online and begin a discussion but I am always a bit sceptical about medical statistics. Research is so often weighted in favour of a required result, either by a drug company or by researchers who are trying to prove a point.
So, given that you have been so generous with your response to the last post, I thought we could do our own survey. There are no vested interests in this other than us all uncovering what midlife women really are experiencing at this stage in the twenty-tens.
It is completely anonymous – I have no way of knowing who has said what. It is simply an exercise undertaken by a community of women who want to help each other and a resource for others who are coming along behind us and wondering what to expect.
Please can you spare a few minutes to tick the boxes that are appropriate to you. Even if you are not yet experiencing menopause or have come through the other side, your responses will still help us to achieve a broader view. I will leave it open for 10 days and then share the results with you. It should be fascinating. So, here goes, you might have problems completing the form below on iOS (iPhone or iPad), if so, you can go to it directly here (do let me know if there are any glitches):
Symptoms of midlife survey
The survey is now closed but you can read all about the results here.